EMDR Consultations
Dr. Pegah Moghaddam is an Approved Consultant, certified through EMDR International Association (EMDRIA). She offers Individual and Group Consultation toward certification, ongoing development, and approved consultant status. Dr. Moghaddam completed an extensive Consultation training with Deany Laliotis, LICSW (https://www.emdrtherapy.com/), which focuses on training clinicians who are interested in advancing in EMDR Therapy.
Consultation Offerings:
Individual Consultation:
Dr. Moghaddam offers individual EMDR Consultation. These sessions are meant to enhance your EMDR case conceptualization and therapy skills. Additional specialty consultation around somatic processing and management of cases specific to eating disorders and body image are also available.
60 minute sessions are offered at $170 per session
Each session will be held over Zoom
Dates and times to be determined in collaboration with each consultee
*These hours can be applied toward EMDR certification
Dr. Moghaddam also encourages her consultees who are seeking certification to diversify their EMDR consultation experience as they work towards gaining knowledge and expertise in EMDR therapy. The EMDR consultants below are currently Consultants in Training with Dr. Moghaddam and offer individual sessions as well.
Amy Robbins:
Reach out to her here: https://amyrobbinscounseling.com/therapists/
Self of the Therapist Group Consultations:
Dr. Moghaddam is passionate about providing support to therapists who seek to develop deeper insight into their own psyches and the impact of their work on their overall sense of well being and efficacy. These groups focus on your unique stuck-points around clients’ concerns. Specific topics include: therapist burnout prevention, case conceptualization, emotional resilience, use of self as a tool in psychotherapy, and countertransference issues. We will support you to deeply understand how and why you are stuck, as well as how to renegotiate the EMDR treatment plan with your client based on this insight.
120 minute groups (maximum of 6 individuals per group) are offered at $80 per session
These groups are be held over Zoom from 12:00 - 2:00pm ET, one Friday per month
*These hours can be applied toward EMDR certification
EMDR Self of the Therapist Process Group Consultations:
This group, co-facilitated by Dr. Moghaddam and fellow EMDRIA Consultant Rosemary Clark, LPC, LMFT, is for clinicians who have a good grasp on the EMDR standard protocol and are hoping to take their skills and awareness to a deeper level. This group specifically focuses on the self of the therapist in the context of the therapeutic relationship. As clinicians, our capacity to reflect upon dynamics with our clients and issues of countertransference will help prevent burnout, address stuck points, and make the work more effective and meaningful. The group focuses heavily on working through issues that may arise in the consultation process, in addition to concerns that arise in the therapeutic dynamic. If you feel inclined to explore your dynamics and stuck points with your EMDR clients at a deeper level, this group is for you.
120 minute groups (maximum of 6 individuals per group) are offered at $90 per session
These groups are to be held over Zoom from 9:00 - 11:00am ET, the first Monday of each month
Consultations for Consultants in Training:
Dr. Moghaddam is excited about supporting other EMDR clinicians who are working to advance to an EMDR Approved Consultant status. She offers guidance through individual consultation sessions and, when available, experiential group opportunities. These hours can be applied to your certification as an Approved Consultant.
60 minute sessions are offered at $170 per session
Each session will be held over Zoom
Dates and times to be determined in collaboration with each consultee
If you are interested in any of these offerings, please reach out via the website contact page and we will get back to you within 24 hours!